It seems as though the automotive industry is one of those the most in-tuned (get the double entendre?) to the latest marketing and advertising techniques. Again and again, I find myself posting on car companies that are making advergames (see my Scion post Here, and my Toyota Yaris post Here). It seems as though Nissan has decided to follow the recurring trend of a car company creating an advergame in order to market to a younger, extremely tech-savvy generation of car buyers.
Nissan is supposedly doing this in an entirely new way in the auto industry (though this is a self-stated claim); they have designed an advergame for their new Nissan Rogue vehicle which is to be used on mobile cell phones, but downloaded online. This game is to be one of several online “ad units” centered around the branding of the Rogue that people will be able to download onto their phones. The game is slated to be rather advanced, as far as cell phone games go, with accelerating levels of difficulty for the player. According to This Article from CNNMoney.com, “Additionally, the Rogue Mobile game breaks new ground with respect to performance tracking and measurability, delivering an unprecedented level of data and consumer insights back to Nissan.”

Nissan’s ultimate goal of this campaign sounds strikingly similar to that of Scion’s goal for its Little Deviants advergame. Robert Brown, Senior Manager of Interactive Marketing for Nissan in North America, explains “While the mobile medium is a perfect fit for the Nissan Rogue brand, we knew that we had to make it easy for consumers to discover and ultimately acquire the Rogue mobile content.” While Brown refers to the ease with which people can download this game online, he also subtly hints at one of Nissan’s goals for this campaign: increasing word-of-mouth. Nissan seems to be trying out the very same process of consumer self-discovery of the brand that has worked so effectively for Scion (yet again, check out my old post Here). Long story short, if something works the first time, use it again…and if something worked for someone else, emulate it to the best of your abilities and use it yourself.