Warner Brothers is jumping on the unconventional media bandwagon with the marketing of their new movie, I am Legend. Will Smith stars in what proves to be the umpteenth zombie horror adventure movie to take place in the last few years. In the movie, Smith apparently spends most of his time doing what any reasonable person would do in the same situation…running away from the people/things that want to eat him. Clichéd plot lines aside, Warner Brothers is doing things that are anything but trite with their actual marketing efforts.

The second part of Warner Bros. outside-of-the-box thinking for marketing I am Legend is through yet another remotely untapped medium- Second Life. This part of their untraditional marketing efforts is truly the brain child of their operations. Warner Bros. has set up the “I am Legend Second Life Survival Game,” in which residents of the virtual world can play as a human or as one of the zombies. Either way, the main object of the game is to find the cure to the virus that spurred this crazy zombie outbreak. Now, if you ask me, this is good marketing. And it is so clever on Warner Brothers’ part, especially from a strategic management perspective. Instead of creating their own high-tech advergame to market this movie, they used a platform (or medium, what have you) that already exists…thus cutting back significantly on their costs of development and production…and also tapping into an already enormous consumer-base. In fact, as of this post, there at 10,255,064 users on Second Life, check out how many there are right now (as you are reading this post) Here. They have essentially created an advergame within a game. Well played, Warner Brothers.

So, the post-blog post kudos for this entry goes first to Angela Natividad over at Adrants, for posting This Article, which brought the I am Legend advertainment news to my attention, and second to MarketingVox for posting This Article, which supplemented the other things that I found elsewhere.
1 comment:
2 good posts - thanks - monday we have a guest speaker who does movie marketing (and made the screech of hte decapitated) - 10 points
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